Monday, September 14, 2009

What it means to me .

Digital Media is a way of expressing yourself with various programs and digital information. It's telling a story, either from your imagination or your experiences or news. It's an easy way to share your opinions and views with the world and to entertain. There are several different ways I like to do this, writing, blogging, youtube, adobe creative suite, and Final Cut.

Digital Photography
Digital Video and Film Production
Graphic Design

This is a picture of the inside of my piano and I used Photoshop to make it look more interesting. I like to edit videos in Final Cut and post them on Youtube. There are examples in the sidebar. I also like to share my writing in my blogs, just go to my profile and you'll see them.

This is my dad's old band and we scanned the picture so now it's on the computer, to share. I suppose that's sort of digital media. Honestly I have no pictures to do with digital media, I have some videos but they're not working.


  1. i like your dad's band picture, bet they rocked hard in the 80's.

  2. Your dad's band looks pretty rockin'. Pretty sweet picture of the inside of a piano.
