Wednesday, October 28, 2009

This is Halloween

Samhain (pronounced “sow” “en”) is often said to have been the most important of the fire festivals, because (according to most Celtic scholars) it may have marked the Celtic New Year. Since the Celts, like many cultures, started every day at sunset of the night before, Samhain became the “evening” of “All Hallows” or All Hallows Eve which was eventually contracted into “Halloween.” Samhain was the beginning of the Winter or Dark Half of the Year, or the transition between dark and light. Being “between” seasons or years, Samhain was considered a very magical time, when the dead walk among the living and the veils between past, present and future may be lifted.

During Celtic times, it is believed that “fairies” on the eve of Samhain would go door to door asking for food. Those who gave it were rewarded somehow and those who did not were subject to unpleasantness.

In Ireland, one of the most popular traditions was carrying the jack-o-lantern, in Scotland and England they would carry turnips. No one is quite sure why the 'jack-o-lantern’ is called 'jack.’ However, according to an ancient Irish legend, the devil once wanted to steal the soul of a man named 'Jack.’ He outwitted the devil on several occasions and kept his life. Eventually, Jack died and neither heaven nor hell would take him. Jack was condemned to an afterlife in limbo. He asked the devil for a piece of coal to provide light for his never ending life. Jack stuck the coal into a turnip and is said to still be walking around with his light until heaven or hell will open the gates for him. There are so many different aspects of these beliefs and we may never know the true meaning of how and why this holiday came to be.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Essence of Fall

All the kids are back in school in fall and we captured that by going on the merry-go-round. I like this picture because it feels like you're going around with them and the colours of the merry-go-round match the leaves on the ground.
This is a tree we saw on our walk, I love the way the trunk intertwines and the leaves are two different colours of red. I also love the contrast to the white truck behind it.

This is a picture of the playground by my house. I like the curvature of the path and the fact that you can just see the playground through the trees. The one below is the same view point but now Sarah Van Vliet and my dog baxter are strolling on the path. I like the way Sarah's leg is sort of kicked into the air and the whole picture just feels so happy.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What's Happening ?

Students are working hard in our class rooms at ACSS and everyone was generous enough to allow their picture to be taken. Teachers were very enthusiastic and quite willing to let us intrude for a few seconds. Students crammed in and smiled for the yearbook.

The Math 12 students were working hard on their test... except Eckjit in the back there.

Ms. Kemmett's grade 8 Math class was very enthusiastic, though not quite so much as Ms. Kemmett and they stood on the back counter.

Every Physic's student had their noses to the paper as the wrote down Mr. Anslow's notes.

The hairdressing ladies were learning theory that day so they just gathered together outside for their picture and smiled pretty.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Photo Techniques

Rule of Thirds - Split your image in 9 parts, three lines vertically and three lines horizontally.

Points of Power - Place points of interest at the intersecting lines.

The Golden Rule - another name for the Rule of Thirds.

Vertical Lines - The lines that go across the photo and frame the scene.

Horizontal Lines - The lines that go up and down and frame the scene.

Oblique Lines - Diagonal lines that split up your picture. They are more dynamic because they're usually where the action is.

Curved Lines - Used in nature alot especially the S curves because they're so appealing to the eye.

Rule of Thirds / Curved Lines

Horizontal Lines

Vertical Lines