Terry Fox was a great Canadian hero who had beat cancer though it took his leg. With a prosthetic leg he started to run across Canada to raise money for cancer research on the Marathon of Hope. He was forced to stop running September 1 and the doctors said the cancer had spread to his lungs. He didn't get to finish so now children all across Canada run to finish it in the Terry Fox Run and the money goes to his foundation.
In this picture : two new mommies Ms. Jones and Mrs. Haber.

The Terry Fox run at ACSS was a success and the weather was beautiful. Everyone had smiles on their faces and some people were more enthusiastic than others. Mr Renaux gave a speach that touched everyone and he made us realize that there were few people not effected by cancer but with the help of the Terry Fox Foundation and kids like us, the numbers are dwindling. He reminded us why we run.
In this picture : Harry taking his annual photos from a ladder at the front of the pack, Brock Sutton-Havard wearing a T-Shirt that says Dev's Team in memory of his brother Devon.

Many students chose to walk but they still showed support and everyone participating will raise more money. Also many students and teachers sacrificed hair to motivate the students to give more generously. The student body got to witness guys arm pit waxing, leg waxing and head shaving if enough money was earned.
In this picture : a few of our grade 11 students including Tiana Alder the niece of Terry Fox who is wearing a T-shirt of her Uncle, a great the Canadian hero.